Gone are the days when someone would knock on your door to sell you sixty kilograms of books, only to gather dust on your living room’s shelf. Encyclopaedias used to be a must-have for no other reason than looking smart when having people over. Believe it or not, these books were actually interesting; who would have thought, right? Thanks to Wikipedia, since 2001, our living room shelves are now filled with Gin and Whiskey bottles instead of books. Wikipedia is the largest living room shelf and I know that because I read it on Wikipedia. Isn’t absurd to search Wikipedia on Wikipedia? It is like going to a restaurant to cook your own pasta. On Wikipedia, you can read about anything: you can read about modern flat-earth conspiracy theories, Mike the Headless Chicken, snail racing or lawsuits against God. But you can also read about topics that don’t require you to be on some kind of drugs; we are talking here about mathematics, science, biology, languages and history. It is literally a school by itself. So what if Wikipedia went offline?
Credits: AD & CW: Youssef Keskes. AD & CW: Juan G Miralles. CD: Matei Curtasu, CD, Freelance, Berlin.